December 27, 2004
[hear audio]
"Open Source Audio," by Jon Udell
I then ask how, in the face of such randomness, you can find music you'd like. The discussion turns to and, in particular, to one of the leading webjays, OddioKatya, who also holds forth at Oddio Overplay. We hear about Katya's approach to free and legal sharing of music online....
September 10, 2004
[read text version]
"No Fears: Laptop DJ's Have a Feast," by Jon Pareles
Downloading music from the Internet is not illegal. Plenty of music available online is not just free but also easily available, legal and - most important - worth hearing.... At, music fans share their Web finds with the world.... It is a way for OddioKatya to point listeners toward a wide assortment of Brazilian songs. [no Português]
several dates [see all mentions]
from Boing Boing: A Directory of Wonderful Things
Fave music site: Oddio Overplay. Todd Lappin sez: The Oddio Overplay website is one of the true jewels of the Interweb. Dedicated to odd, obscure, and out-of-print music,... the special compilations are a hoot, and exploring the links to other free music sites is an activity that's guaranteed to gobble up hours and hours of otherwise productive work time.
October 31, 2004
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featured on MetaFilter for the Ghouls With Attitude 2-CD Set and Munster Beat hosted for Halloween
Lend Me Your Ears - bwaahaha! Something ear-y for Halloween: Oddio Overplay gives you Ghouls With Attitude 2-CD compilation by Otisfodder, plus (from Martinibomb and Coconut Monkeyrocket), the Munster Beat
appearing in directory
[explore the site]
from Fingertips, guide to free and legal music
Oddio Overplay is an expansive, friendly site that points to all sorts of places where free and legal music can be had on the web. The specialty here is on sounds that are "far from the mainstream," as the site says; the vibe is home-spun and affectionate. Katya, who runs the place, has an unending capacity to find hidden music online and a joyful, infectious willingness to share her discoveries. This has always been one of my favorite, offbeat sites to visit to find interesting music; thanks to a recent re-design, Oddio Overplay is more accessible and friendlier than ever, even as the music remains wide-rangingly obscure for the most part. But poke around and you will be amply rewarded, and consistently reminded that in the 21st century, the gems are much more likely to be found on the fringe than in the middle of the fabric.
in "Useful Sites For Artists"
[explore the site]
from Queep Organic Music, a non-profit, artist-run initiative to help and promote independent/unsigned artists and their material
This is a very valuable resource for artists going the Independent route. Its most useful feature is a list of links to sites that house Independent music download sites. It also has a list of some supportive Indie radio shows and stations, and plenty of other info, like links of other directories....
Following is an unordered, abbreviated list of folks who inspire me to continue to operate this site. Without their regular support and/or inspiration, would not exist.
Irregular Orbit, Ookworld [read mention]
Oddio Overplay is a very handy site indexing free and legal music downloads all across the net. Whether comps, collections and web albums, or their own pan-linking compilations, it's a great place to find listening material without corporate entanglements. [read mention]
1 Million Free and Legal Music Tracks. Oddio Overplay. Astonishingly massive music resource which has collated years and years of downloadable and streaming music from fabulous resources all over the world. All free and legal, and with a brilliant new design. Check it out or else!
Cross-Cultural Studies in Music: Ethnomusicology in the 21st century [read mention]
listed as a web resource for a Washington and Lee University course: [exploring] the intersection of the disciplines of anthropology and ethnomusicology with the technologies of sound reproduction and ubiquitous computing [read mention]
Tired of the same music? Need something new and completely unexpected? Then grab some of the free music here
room [read mention]
Oddio Overplay is a kind-hearted and wacky site designed to celebrate free music availeable on the net.
iPodlounge [read mention]
wyneken writes: There is a cool little underground of strange and unusual music: from 50s 'exotica' and 60s Space Age bachelor pad music, through contemporary spins on the outsider theme.Oddio Overplay is a good place to start. Besides hosting a few original albums to download for free, it also provides a wealth of links to other sites.
Java's Bachelor Pad [read mention]
Crazy sounds and cool compilations
Dada's Exotiquarium [read mention]
Eclectic compilations as a means of supporting the artists and spreading the word about these great sources. The comps pull music from other locations on the web.
EC Brown [read mention]
Katyana's Oddio Overplay is a homemade music resource site on growth serum.
lipkandy [read mention]
... cool new site oddio overplay. They snoop around and find the best of free downloadable music online.
Kingdom of Love [read mention]
I'll never post another album gallery again: Oddio Overplay's collection of cover art links puts my humble efforts to shame. But that's just the tip of the iceberg at Oddio Overplay, which has to be one of the most amazing music-related sites I've ever come across. I could waste days here.
The Tofu Hut [read mention]
Oddio Overplay left me shaking my head in wonder. DL full length mix CD's of golden age Blues, Asian traditional, international pop, Russian folk; leaf through a "junk drawer" of more free form CD mixes; take a music safari in the plethora of beautifully organized music linkage...; revel in the slick, easy to navigate design. I do not exaggerate when I say that if you do not check this action out right now, you are a certifiable Dexter. I am NOT joking. and Thanks to Katya from Oddio Overplay for unearthing this one; she finds all us Charlie Bucket-types the nicest sorts of Golden Tickets.
Locust St. [read mention]
Oddio Overplay has some of the strangest, most enjoyable music around.
Splogman's World [read mention]
Oddio overplay is an incredible large website with a great link section and an ever-growing selection of hundreds of remarkable sources for fabulous and free music on the web.
Coffee-Hut Records [read mention]
Oddio Overplay is an amazing site full of all kinds of unusual and underground music from all over the world and all over the internet.
Musical Taste [read mention]
The site is basically a celebration of music, and in particular, music transmitted over the internet. There's a huge volume of links to sites hosting mp3 audio, presented in a variety of interesting ways, such as annotated lists, mp3 playlists featuring audio from all over the web, and collections of radio stations. There's also artwork, an accompanying blog, and information about audio players.
unknown dog blog [read mention]
Oddio Overplay is Odd Audio. That isn’t their logo, as far as I know, but it could be. Perhaps it should be Odd and Wonderful Audio.... Oddio Overplay has collections of music from all over the world, and all of it well off the beaten bath.
Indie Content Networks [read mention]
Oddio Overplay is UberFine! I've gotta call out a great index of indie labels run by the coolest Katya. Oddio Overplay features free music from free artists. It's truly a pleasure zone.
Alex's Food for Thought [read mention]
Rarely on the web can you find free, legal music worth [hearing] that strays past Avril Lavigne territory. Oddio Overplay features everything avoided by MTV, and it's all for the taking!
Gaper Delay [read mention]
Audio for days, weeks, months, years... it looks like there's hardly an end to the variety of music they've posted.
Pop Culture Links [read mention]
Always bringing you new sounds to your ears! ...Wow! This is one cool place!
MP3 Jackpot [read mention]
Superfan says: Ah, such brilliance. Oddio Katya, you MAKE my DAY! | Weasel Popmeister says: OddioKatya, you mp3 genius.
zero transmission [read mention]
... Oddio Overplay's expansive and rich collection of music,... not only does the site have a theme song, its got a full compilation full of Oddio themes from some of the most interesting artists on the net! Sheesh how's a fella supposed to compete with that!?
| [read mention]
Egy site azoknak, akik már lenézo'en fintorognak minden zenére, amit a szerzo'vel együttvéve legalább ketten ismernek. Elfelejtett ritkaságok, furcsa lemezek legálisan az Oddio Overplayro'l.
david f presents [read mention]
Je ne suis pas seul à recenser des sons sympas mis sur le web... il y a une enorme base de données qui s'en occupe déjà sous le nom de Oddio Overplay. Ca va de Jad Fair à l'axotica hawaienne, d'Ergo Phizmiz aux mixtapes reggaeton. Le genre de site sans fin...
Die Intellektronische Biparietal Projekt [read mention]
Oddio Overplay vient de réouvrir avec un nouveau look (superbe, 'gorgeous' comme ils disent à New York), et avec la compilation tant attendue qui regroupe un paquet de déjantés de divers endroits de la planête. La pochette est belle comme tout, et le livret est gorgeous comme le site.
Milinkito [read mention]
ese fenomenal archivo de música onlain que es Oddio overplay